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City Council Propels the WRRF Project Forward

April 3, 2018 City of San Luis Obispo Council Meeting Screenshot
April 3, 2018 City of San Luis Obispo Council Meeting Screenshot

Since the beginning of 2018, the San Luis Obispo City Council has been reviewing staff reports and approving key items allowing the WRRF Project to maintain momentum. A summary of the recent and upcoming Council activity and action regarding the WRRF Project is included below:

  • February 20, 2018: Staff provided Council with a project update. Council approved an amendment to extend Program Management Services.

  • March 20, 2018: Council authorized the use of sole-sourced equipment for sevenkey pieces of equipment.

  • April 2018: On April 3rd, Council approved an amendment to add scope to the Design Services contract. On April 17th, Council authorized contractor prequalification for the general contractor, electrical subcontractor, and integrator subcontractor to ensure contractors meet minimum qualifications.

  • May 15, 2018: Council approved the Construction Management Request for Proposal. Proposals are due July 13, 2018.

  • September 2018: Council to authorize bidding the project (9/4), and authorize the agreement for the Construction Manager (9/17).

  • November 13, 2018: Council to authorize the initial funding agreement for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan.

  • December 13, 2018: City to advertise for construction.

On the technical side, the Program Management and Design teams have been working through important issues and further advancing the design towards bidding. Construction is scheduled to begin in Winter 2018. Please join us at the upcoming September meetings to show your support and share your ideas on the WRRF Project. See you there!


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