On August 16, 2016, the San Luis Obispo City Council with be presented with the Final WRRF Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for certification, a WRRF Project update, and requested to authorize submission of the environmental documents for one part of a state loan and grant application. Certification of the EIR is an important milestone for the WRRF Project. The purpose of the EIR is to identify any potential impacts the Project may have as it relates to:
Air Quality
Greenhouse Gas Emission
Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Hydrology/Water Quality
Cultural Resources
Biological Resources
Public Services and Utilities
The great thing about this project is that it has no impacts that can’t be mitigated and it even has beneficial impacts! There are Class IV impacts, which are considered beneficial impacts (I know, weir nomenclature) when it comes to Air Quality, Public Services and Utilities, Hydrology/Water Quality. The WRRF Project is reducing odors, improving water quality through better treatment, and it would enhance the Bob Jones Trail.