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Pardon the Noise and Dust

The City anticipates an upcoming increase in noise and dust associated with the SLO Water Plus Project at the Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) at 35 Prado Road.

Beginning in April and continuing through September, the construction contractor will be

performing a significant amount of earthwork involving heavy machinery at the Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) on Prado Road.

This phase of the construction project will improve the plant’s ability to handle high flows, especially during extreme weather events. Once completed, this part of the project will also help with odor reduction at the facility.

The demolished construction materials removed during this part of the project will be recycled on site and reused as base material beneath new paved surfaces throughout the WRRF. By reusing these materials, the City is diverting construction waste from local landfills, reducing the amount of new construction materials delivered to the site, and saving money.

The project team has put in place measures for noise suppression, traffic and dust control, and to minimize the impacts to the community. However, if you have any concerns, please contact the WRRF Supervisor Patrick McGrath at (805) 431-3808.


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